Terms & Conditions
We accept payment electronically through our website. If you are experiencing any processing issues or would like to arrange for payment in another way please call +44 (0) 203 876 0909 or email info@richardbrendon.com.
You will receive an order receipt confirmation email as soon as you have placed an order. Please keep it in a safe place as we may ask you for information from it in any correspondence. If you do not receive this email please contact info@richardbrendon.com, so that we may investigate and confirm that your order has been placed successfully.
All prices are as set out on the website. We reserve the right to alter prices at any time. It may be necessary to change prices from time to time. You will be alerted to any price changes at the time of ordering.
While every effort has been made to portray items accurately, slight variations may occur. All measurements quoted are approximate and the reproduction of colours is as accurate as photographic and publishing processes will allow. Please note there may be variations in colours dependant on the calibration and settings of individual screens.
Everything on this site is subject to copyright. All material on the website belongs or is licensed to Richard Brendon unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise noted, you may view, copy, download, and print documents from the main site, so long as you use them only for personal, non-commercial purposes and do not post, distribute, or modify them or remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices. Any unauthorised attempts to modify any online material, to defeat or circumvent our security features, or to utilise this site for other than their intended purposes are prohibited. You may not do any of the following without prior written permission from us: reproduce, modify or in any way commercially exploit any of the content; redistribute any of the content (including by using it as part of any library, archive or similar service). Requests to republish, redistribute or syndicate content should be addressed to Richard Brendon at info@richardbrendon.com.
All products comply with appropriate safety and consumer regulations.
If for any reason you need to cancel an order after submitting it, please call us as soon as possible. Keep in mind, if your order has already been processed (i.e. packed and dispatched), it may be too late to cancel the order. However, you can return the order once it is received. In the event you refuse an order after it has been dispatched, you will be responsible for any delivery charges related to that order.
Please refer to Delivery and Returns.