Richard Brendon's Menu for the European Championships
European Championships once again! It didn’t go our way last time, but we have to keep the faith that this might be our year!
It’s coming home! My mind naturally turns to what I could serve… so I have put together a selection of food and drinks that will see me through the big match, with a little nod to our Spanish rivals and German hosts along the way.
Our pre-game meal has got to be a curry - the true national dish of the UK - along with a nice German style craft beer. The traditional English night in and needs no further introduction. The '98 football anthem 'Vindaloo' comes instantly to mind!
Featuring Line Matte Black and Optic
When the game starts I will be opening a beautiful bottle of R. Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia Reserva Blanco 2012 is a really special wine and always delivers, but there are so many great Riojas out there to choose from. Slightly breaking the rule of 'what grows together goes together' the Torres crisps, Manzanilla Picante Olives, chorizo and Membrillo will be served alongside , my favourite, Montgomery's cheddar.
Then, finally, whether we are celebrating a momentous win or drowning our sorrows, we will be raising a glass of Gusbourne english sparkling wine following the match. It seems rude not to.