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Commercial Care Instructions


Our glassware is lead-free and produced by master craftspeople with great care, representing some of the highest quality standards in the industry. In order to properly maintain your glassware, we encourage you to follow our care and cleaning instructions to ensure their longevity and to enhance your enjoyment of our products.



We recommend washing drinking glasses in the dishwasher to avoid unnecessary handling. Where possible, use a dedicated glass washer to prevent food contamination.



  • Adhere to the dishwasher manufacturer’s advice on machine adjustments, as well as the amount of cleaning agent to use. Make sure that you are using the proper manufacturer-approved detergents for your machine. Ensure your dishwasher receives regular maintenance as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

  • It’s crucial to maintain the cleanliness of the strainer inserts, filters, spray arms, and nozzles.

  • Depending on your area’s water condition, you may need to consider water softening agents. Please consult your appliance handbook for further guidance.

  • Place glassware in the washer ensuring adequate space between each piece so they do not clink together during the cycle.

  • Where possible, select the specific glassware cycle that uses a lower temperature and the minimum necessary wash time. Our glassware is dishwasher-safe up to a maximum temperature of 60°C as high temperatures can encourage the corrosion of glass.

  • After the wash cycle finishes, open the appliance door to let out the steam and allow the glasses to cool before removing.

  • To prevent smudges on stemware, handle the glasses by the stem or base.


Normally your glass washer should steam and dry your glasses so they come out ready to use. However, if your glassware requires further polishing, please carefully follow the below guidance.


  • Use either one extra-large or two large microfibre (lint-free) polishing cloths to wick away residual moisture and gently polish when necessary. Avoid using tea towels, dinner napkins or other non-absorbent fabrics as this will increase the time spent polishing and therefore increase the likelihood of cracking or breaking the glass in the process.
  • Hold the bowl of the glass with a cloth in one hand and tuck the remaining fabric into the bowl of the glass. Whilst cupping the bowl, gently move the glass in a circular motion to remove any residual moisture. Once the bowl is dry, use the cloth to polish the stem and the foot, ensuring your bare hands do not touch the bowl of the glass.
  • Ensure never to hold the foot of a stemmed glass with one hand whilst polishing the bowl with the other. This will put tension on the stem and may lead to breakage.